Things that made me happy this week #3

Wow, we’re at episode three already! Where has time gone? It’s been a pretty jam-packed week for me but upon reflection, there’s been more highs than low so I can’t really complain. So with that being said, let’s begin!

Birthday week

Yes, I’m going to start with the obvious. I’m on the wrong end of my 20s now but that’s okay. I had a pretty good day on the 4th and continued to have a good birthday week. I celebrated last night with a BYO dinner and I’m worst for wear today but I’m happy. The beauty of birthdays is that it brings the people you love together. They get together to give you a card, a cake, a present, etc and they get together when you throw a party, BYO dinner or however you choose to celebrate!

I put together a post on my birthday and getting to know me. Check it out if you haven’t already!

Oh and look at these beautiful flowers I got! Happy to report, they’re still alive and kickin’!

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Finishing my first week of assignments

I’ve decided to pick up a few papers this semester to go towards my Communications degree. I won’t go into detail as I’m planning on putting together a post on it. At times, I feel like it was the worst decision ever and I don’t know how I’m going to handle full-time work and nearly full-time study, plus regularly blogging and keeping up my social/home life.

Anyways, I handed in my three assignments today and I’m stoked as hell. It’s a huge sense of achievement for me because despite being a pretty hectic week, I’ve managed to do them and keep on top of studying. So yes, it can be done! I just need to keep it up!


Baby carrots

Don’t laugh but yes, baby carrots were a highlight for me this week! I don’t mean like the little pre-packed ones you get from the supermarket, but an actual bunch of baby carrots that I scored from the markets. I’ve seen them on cooking shows and cartoons so when I chanced across them over the weekend, I couldn’t resist. I proudly displayed the leaves over my recycle bag (not that anyone would care or know what leaves they were…) Not only that, they were only $2!! They’re so delicate to chop and I can’t wait to eat my bevy of roast veges when they’re finally ready. So go baby carrots!


Wellington bringing out the calm

It’s been a pretty shit week weather wise. We’ve had torrential rains and I’ve been going to work soaked. Plus when I wash and style my hair, it’s ruined in literally five minutes of leaving the house so I gave up for the rest of the week. As in I didn’t wash my hair or style it – I just brushed it and let it be. Gross, I know.

But this weekend, it’s been absolutely stunning and the sun came out for us! Despite being kinda cold, it was still nice to see the sun out with a smile on its dial. It definitely put a smile on my dial! 

No I didn’t draw penises in the sand… I came across them and thought they were worthy to be photographed. Yes, I had a little chuckle too. And I didn’t catch that fish – my friend and I were sitting on the wharf with some men fishing and he caught the little nipper. I think they said it was a leather fish? Who knows.

D&D sesh

Yes, I play Dungeons and Dragons and yes, I really enjoy it! We had a 3 week break due to time constraints and illnesses but we regrouped this week and had a wonderful session. For those of you who don’t know what D&D is, it’s a fantasy roleplaying game where characters are created by the participants and these characters go on an imaginary adventure in the fantasy setting. There’s a dungeon master that acts as the storyteller and referee for the whole adventure.

I play with my best friend, sister and ex-flatmates and honestly, it’s been really enjoyable. I used to think it was a game for nerds but our group is the most unlikeliest group of people to play D&D and we’re doing well so far. If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend giving it a go! At least once!

What made you happy this week? I’d be very keen to hear it!

Published by michellerosewrites

Hi! I'm Michelle. I write, create and tell stories.

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